Ready, Aim, Aspire: The #Inspiration4X Space Crew On What It takes to Be Trailblazing

The back-to-school drill is in full swing. Folks are returning to the building, kinda in a groove they once knew. The TV season is off and running. Some fav shows have had their first run. Elected Officials are back in Washington. They’ve got a tall order of bills to make happen, with the usual drama in play.

This time of the year also brings buzz around the next iPhone gizmo. That news came and went. With Covid still dominating the lead story, seems like there’s not much room for tech talk. One story that got major coverage is the first-ever all-civilian space flight. It reached a higher orbit than other such trips.

The crew members blasted-off with great fanfare and returned with excitement to spare. They included regular ‘Joes & Janes’ who did months of space flight training. They were celebrated by public officials, science enthusiasts and all levels of students. In other words, their achievement had broad appeal.

Their collective stories might be described as “ready, aim, aspire.” A couple of them won the chance to take the trip as part of a ‘space flight’ competition. Some say they’ve been preparing for this all their life based on their own professional training, personal trials and business triumphs.

The crew got recognized by all corners of society. One artist built a sculpture with the words “Leadership, Hope, Generosity, Prosperity.” Others might agree their trailblazing work is summarized by “Struggling, Hustling, Discovering, Tuning.” It’s all about keeping your life instrument working right and drawing on:

  • Courage

As with any new endeavor, they prob had some fears to manage. This might have showed up as having second thoughts or having butterflies in their stomachs with each new test, task and turning point. Courage doesn’t mean there’s an absence of fear. It’s about having those butterflies fly in formation.   

  • Curiosity

This can get the best of us or the scariest of us. The expression “curiosity killed the cat” didn’t hinder the experiments which put them on the edge or flirted with danger. It’s also said that a cat has nine lives. So maybe curiosity can help us to experience as many facets as possible of life in one lifetime.       

  • Passion

The things we love to do might be put in boxes like first love, second love, other love, etc. Plus, when we string together our abilities, strengths, skills and expertise this helps to give our passion some more push or pull. There’re times passion is good for pulling your goals along or pushing your vision ahead.     

  • Dream

On some level, this trip was a lifelong dream for each crew member. In their own way, the dream might be in the seed of an idea, the science of the mission, the thrill of achievement or the glory of philanthropy. What brought them together is a shared purpose that had them pulling together as a dream team.

Whether at school, work, public service or showbiz, we can take a page from #Inspiration4X to reach a higher orbit. Make sure your personal/professional instruments are working right to take you to new heights as you “ready, aim, aspire.” And to be trailblazing, add-in courage, curiosity, passion and dream.

Tip: Where the stars and dreams line-up bring a great feeling of achievement and sense of fulfillment.  

Talkback: Who’s got next for a ride to space or for a new level of ‘wow’ at work, play or gameday?

Tracks: U2 – Beautiful Day –

Elijah Blake Ft Trinidad James – Dreams –